Helping Nonprofits Create Powerful Social Change
What if your nonprofit…
- Could attract more funding for its programs and services with greater ease?
- Had more committed support and engagement from staff, board members and volunteers?
- Was powerfully positioned for ongoing success and sustainability?

Get Your Hot Freebies

- Discover the obstacles that are preventing your
nonprofit from attracting the funding and support
needed to sustain and grow your programs - Clarify where to focus your time and energy to achieve your organizational goals
- Learn ideas and strategies to help you create maximum impact and serve your clients and communities more effectively
Is Your Nonprofit Structured for Success?
We bring together the greatest experts and thought leaders in the business to teach you information, training & tools to help you create lasting success in your organization.
Nonprofit I.Q. programs and services are designed to guide and coach busy leaders of small to mid-sized nonprofits helping them identify their most powerful step-by-step strategies to achieve their goals.

Learn More about Nonprofit I.Q.’s process to help nonprofits improve their Fundability.
Nonprofit Inspirations – Check Out Our Latest Blog Posts
Nonprofit Success Tips
In case you missed my last post on 5 Simple Steps to Achieve Your Nonprofit Goals, it may be worth your while to go back and read it first. Today's post gives you some tips that will make goal achievement much easier and more enjoyable. Below are 4 simple, yet very...
read more5 Steps to Achieve Your Nonprofit Goals
Commit, Plan, Act We achieve our goals much faster when we’re clear about where we’re going and set an intention and commitment to make it happen. However, most nonprofits, even with the very best of intentions, neglect to be strategic in their actions toward their...
read moreNonprofit Success or Failure – It’s Your Choice
Not surprisingly, most nonprofit leaders have so much on their plate and are constantly being sidetracked by things that are NOT leading them toward their goals. So often, nonprofit leaders and their teams are constantly battling the issues that crop up, that they...
read moreWhat Differentiates Smart Nonprofits?
Smart Nonprofits Are Committed To…
- Creating organizational excellence
- Strong, healthy leadership
- Continual growth and learning for staff & board members
- Balance and well-being for their people
- A collective vision that focuses on success
- Strategic growth
- Improving their organization’s fundability
- Prioritizing their time and energy for greatest impact
- Long-term sustainability

Professional Development for Nonprofit Leaders

After years of planning, Nonprofit I.Q. was finally launched in 2016 with the purpose to helping nonprofit leaders learn smart and simple ideas to develop nonprofits that are powerfully positioned to address the growing challenges of our world.
This new concept capitalizes on Shelley’s expertise and 20 years of experience in nonprofit leadership and cross-sector collaboration.
Together with a cadre of experts in the nonprofit, governmental, and for-profit sectors, Nonprofit I.Q. delivers Smart Solutions for Sustainable Success to our nonprofit community.